RENAISSANCE: a movement or period of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity

Renaissance Women's Forum is an informal yet structured gathering of women who feel the itch to do something important but don’t know where to start. The group will consist of the following:

  • Alternating guest speakers--women who have overcome complacency to accomplish insanely awesome things and who encourage us to do the same.

  • Mentorship--women from older generations teaming up with us 20/30 somethings to help keep our minds focused on the important things in life.
  • Discussion of optional reading--every few months a new book will be chosen for those who want to participate. Lean In, Bossypants, Wild...readers will be able to go at their own pace and general discussion about the book will be held for 2 meetings. Book suggestions will be noted
  • Goal accountability
  • Online presence: Facebook private group page for updated reading, location and times of meetings open forum for discussions throughout the month
  • Volunteer opportunities: helping to organize and execute charity functions, visit different organizations and participate in soup kitchens, clothing drives, 5K races etc.

What kind of people would need or want what you offer?

  • This group is meant for women who are looking for an outlet and some creative insight on how to execute their ideas to shake up the world.
  • The target mentee is early 20s (recent college grad) to early 30s (aspiring young professional) who is still searching for her purpose.
  • The target mentor is someone who has found their passion and is comfortable talking about how they got there with other women (no matter her age).
  • This is a place where a woman can bring her idea and know that she can get either the support to materialize it or an honest answer telling her how to modify it until it works.

What made you want to start this group?
One of the deepest threads that the women of my generation have in common is the lack of a forum to share our desires to break molds, change perceptions, and “make shit happen”.  I, along with the girls I consider to be my close friends, frequently find ourselves with insane yet doable out of the box ideas. Before we get off the ground with them, we shut down because of our “busy” schedules, doubting minds and inability to find the support we need to follow through. This group is meant to be a solution to those problems. Enough twiddling fingers--the world is run by those who show up and speak up. Time to do both.

What’s the big plan for this group?
In my wildest and most elaborate dreams, this would turn into some sort of hybrid TED conference/women’s adventure club where we would have funding to put on inspiring and highly attended philanthropic events that actually make a difference in different communities.

In reality, if a small group of us get together once a month to collaborate on big picture ideas and get some mentorship from amazing women who have lived big, influential, loving lives, the group will serve a huge purpose.